Rezension - "It started with goodbye" by Christina June

*Advertisement/Werbung - Thanks to Netgalley and Blink for giving me an ARC of this book, in return for an honest opinion* 💙

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The book "It started with goodbye" by Christina June is a contemporary take on Cinderella.
The story is about the sixteen year old Tatum that lives with her father, stepmother and her stepsister. She goes shopping with her best friend Ashley and her new badboy boyfriend Chase who got the great idea of stealing some stuff from the mall.
They all got caught, even Tatum not knowing about what happened because she was just sitting in the car, waiting for her friend.
At the beginning of the story she's facing her stepmother, she calls stepmonster, and her dad, none of them believing that she has nothing to do with it and blaming her for having such a bad influenced friend. It's right before the summer holidays, Tatums father is leaving the country for weeks because of work and the stepmother is putting Tatum under housearrest. With a lot of time at home and a big talent for design and art, Tatum starts her own little Design project. She makes a little advertising in the school of her stepsister and soon gets some emails from clients.
Thats how she gets in contact with prince charming...

I really enjoyed this book!! I loved the style of writing, was a really fast read for me and it was a cute way to retell the Cinderella Story!
We had the Stepmother, Stepsister, Prince Charming and even the good fairy, in this case the grandmother. It was really lovely how everything was set up.

The characters were all great worked out and I felt a connection to Tatum right from the start. She's the kind of girl you'd like to befriend. She's loyal and has a great sense of humour.

What I really liked at first was how the focus wasn't really on the lovestory but on the relationship between Tatum and her family and her friend Ashley. It was nice to see the development and the way they grew together.
In the end that wasn't really a big negative point but I really missed the lovestory. Wouldn't want to miss any part of the story but it would have been really great with more of the lovestory at the end.

All things considered I can recommend this book!

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